Emilio Horacio Satorre

Curriculum vitae

Emilio Horacio Satorre is an Agricultural Engineer, graduated from the Faculty of Agronomy of the UBA (1980); He obtained his PhD from the University of Reading, England, in 1988. He is a teacher, researcher and private consultant for productive companies. He is Professor of the Department of Cerealiculture (UBA; www.agro.uba.ar) and Professor at the Graduate SchoolAlberto Sorianoof the UBA and visiting professor at other Graduate Schools of National Universities. He is Academic Coordinator of the Research and Development Unit of AACREA (www.crea.org.ar) and Associate Researcher of IFEVACONICET (www.ifeva.edu.ar) and full member of the National Academy of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine in Argentina (www.anav.org.ar). He has edited several books and numerous book chapters and original works in high-impact publications in the country and abroad. He has edited numerous manuals related to extensive crop production technologies and, recently (2020) he has been responsible for editing a manual on sustainable production systems. He was a founding partner and Director of “Cultivar Knowledge Agropecuario S.A. (www.cultivaragro.com.ar) ”until its departure in 2020. It carries out and coordinates research projects with development and transfer of impact at the national level in Argentina on different aspects of the production of extensive crops and production systems in the that they intervene. His main areas of work are crop and weed ecology and agricultural production systems. He has received several awards and recognitions for his scientific and professional work.

He has received several awards for his technical and scientific work and is the author of more than 300 publications in scientific and popular journals, conference proceedings, books (h-index: 28;). He also trained many students for thesis or doctorates and academic specializations