Curriculum vitae
Tomas Garcia Azcarate has a PH.D in Agricultural Engineering and Economics. He is Deputy director of the Spanish Institute of Economics, Geography and Demography of the Spanish Research Council (IEGD-CSIC), researcher of CEIGRAM, member of the Académie de l’Agriculture de France and the Accademia dei Georgofili and of the Scientific Committee of the Mission AgroBioSciences of the French INRA.
He has over 40 years of experience in studies in agricultural and rural policies, in particular the European Common Agricultural Policies and the agricultural markets economy and management and has been an official of the Agricultural Directorate general of the European Commission for 29 anni. He is co-editor of the Journal Eurochoices.
His most recent publications include book chapters and academic publications in scientific journals such as gricultural and Resource Economics, Revue de l’Union Européenne, International Journal on Food System Dynamics, Economie Rurale, Eurochoices, International Journal of Food and Agricultural Economics and Revista de Estudios AgroSociales y Pesqueros.